Author: Kirsty Smith

The Practice will issue regular medication (repeat prescriptions) automatically, this means you do not need to contact the Practice and ask for it to be re-prescribed. Patients will need to order any 'As Required' and variable dose medications such as: Pain relief Inhalers Nasal sprays Eye...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hollyns Health & Wellbeing received 143 completed responses throughout November and December 2019.  This survey was built in conjunction with the Patient Group and helps the Practice form an action plan for 2019 on areas for improvement. To view...

Please note that both our Allerton & Clayton sites will be closed for the afternoon from 12pm for Protective Learning Time on the following dates for the year of 2024: Thursday 01.02.2024 Thursday 07.03.2024 Thursday 04.04.2024 Thursday 02.05.2024 Thursday 06.06.2024 Thursday 04.07.2024 Thursday 01.08.2024 Thursday 05.09.2024 Thursday 03.10.2024 Thursday 07.11.2024 Thursday 05.12.2024 These dedicated training sessions...

If you would like to view our current newsletter, click on the link below: Issue 1 May 2022 To view any of the Surgery's previous newsletters, click on the following links: Issue 2 November 2021 Issue 1 August 2021 Issue 1 March 2019 Issue 2 October 2018 Issue 1 July 2018...