New Patient Registrations

If you would like to register as a patient with our practice, you can do this by registering online or in person at the practice.


Practice Boundary
We accept patients who live within our practice boundary, outlined in blue on the map below. If you are unsure then please ask a member of our team who will check this for you. Once registered, if you move to an address outside of our practice boundary then we will write to you and request that you register with a surgery closer to your new address.



How to register as a permanent patient online 
Please select the appropriate link below which will direct you to our online New Patient Registration form:


To register with our Clayton branch: 

To register with our Allerton branch:

Please note patients will be offered appointments across both branch sites.


All newly registered patients over the age of 18 will be sent a link via PATCHs to complete our New Patient Questionnaire, it is important you submit the completed questionnaire within 7 days of receiving the link. Patients under the age of 18, we will telephone the patient/parent/guardian to obtain this information.


How to register as a permanent patient in person 

You can download a Registration form and return to the practice reception along with your completed New Patient Questionnaire


Alternatively you can visit either branch site to request a new patient registration pack.

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Allerton Health Centre

Belldean Road,


BD15 7WA


t. 01274 880 650



4 Glenholme Park



BD14 6NF


t. 01274 880 650