Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP DFRSH DOcc Med
Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP MRCP MSc DOcc Med DCH DRCOG
Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP
Qualifications: RGN BSc HONS MSc
Qualifications: MBBS
Qualifications: MB ChB
Qualifications: MBBS MRCGP
Qualifications: MBBS/MRCGP
Qualifications: Mb ChB
Qualifications: MBBS
Qualifications: MBBS
Qualifications: BMedSci BMBS MSc SEM
Qualifications: Dip HE MSc
Qualifications: IHCD Paramedic MSc
Working Hours: All day Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Qualifications: BSC (Hons) RGN MSc
Working Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Qualifications: Newborn & Infant Physical Examination, BSc Midwifery, General Nursing
The partners also occasionally teach medical students who may ask your permission to be present during the consultation.
As well as being able to offer the same services as our Health Care Assistants our Practice Nurses also offer immunisations and annual chronic disease reviews for a range of ongoing illnesses such as coronary heart disease, asthma and diabetes. Any additional areas of expertise are listed with the individual nurse.
Our HCA team are available for blood tests, blood pressure checks, ear irrigation, wound care, spirometry, ECGs, weight management and new patient health checks.
Our Business Development, Enterprise and Finance Manager is Mrs Sharon Barraclough who is responsible for the organisation of services for the practice in order to ensure that a high standard of care is achieved in all areas.
The Administration Team consists of Patient Service Administrators (PSA), Patient Record Administrators (PRA), Care Co-ordinator/Practice Administrator and Secretaries working under the instruction of the GP partners.
The secretarial team are responsible for processing medical reports and referrals once completed by a GP, providing copy records on a patient’s behalf, arranging patient transport (where it is clinically appropriate, this is confirmed by a GP) amongst many things.
The team are Joanne Strawbridge and Helen Castel-Atkinson
To support the practice in coordinating all key activity including access to services, advice, and information, and ensuring health and care planning is timely, efficient, and patient-centred.
The data team are responsible for sending out invites to any patient with a chronic disease such as asthma, diabetes or coronary heart disease. Additional to this our team deal with information technology services, audits, reports, read coding and online services.