CQC Reports

Under the Health and Social Care Act (2008), from 1 April 2013 all providers of NHS general practice (and other primary medical services) must be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


People have a right to expect safe, high quality care.  As a regulator of health and social care in England, CQC plays a vital role in making sure that care services meet those expectations.


All registered GP providers are now legally required to meet the national standards of quality and safety.


Our latest CQC inspection report is from July 2022. The following standards as part of the routine inspection were being met when we were inspected.


Are services safe?

Are services effective?

Are services caring?

Are services responsive to peoples needs?

Are services well-led?


You can read the report online here:



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Allerton Health Centre

Belldean Road,


BD15 7WA


t. 01274 880 650



4 Glenholme Park



BD14 6NF


t. 01274 880 650